Senior Track & Field

Track & Field Competition Opportunities

Our track and field competitions carters for three broad groups, offering a full range of track & field events.  Have a look at what is on offer and come along and have a go!

We encourage community involvement in our sport and invite adults wanting to try the sport to come to our Twilight Meet Series held during the summer on Thursday evenings.



Senior Track & Field Information

Click on the link below to view the 2024/2025 season’s programme:

Athletic Canterbury 2024-2025 DRAFT (Aug 2024)

The possible known dates are listed below and will be confirmed prior to the start of the season in mid October 2023:

  • The Athletics Canterbury / CMA 10,000m Championships (Date TBC)
  • The Athletics Canterbury Steeplechase Championships will be held on Saturday 25th January 2025
  • The Athletics Canterbury 3000m Championships will be held on Saturday 8th February 2025.
  • The Athletics Canterbury Pole Vault will be held on Wednesday 12th February 2025
  • The Athletics Canterbury / CMA Track & Field Championships will be held on Friday (evening) 9th February and Saturday (afternoon) 10th February 2024.
  • The Athletics Canterbury 5000m Championships will be held on Wednesday 19th March 2025.
  • A date for the AC Combined Events Championships is TBC.
  • Contact Andrew Stark (

Information about weekly interclub meetings:  COMPETITION / EVENTS


Track and Field covers all athletics that occurs inside an athletics stadium. Broadly speaking these can be divided into three areas: run, jump and throw.

We have a range of great clubs offering training and coaching opportunities for both children and adults, We would encourage all athletes to look at our Club page to see what club might work for them. If you are unsure, please contact our General Manager for information on your nearest club.

Senior Interclub & NPW Community Event Entry Procedures

Online Entry System for Interclub:

  • ALL athletes are required to pre-enter & prepay for Senior Interclub.
  • Entries close Thursday 11:45 p.m. prior to Saturday or the date advertised.  
  • LATE ENTRIES on the day will only be accepted if there is space available in the event.
  • NO LATE ENTRIES accepted within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time for an event.
  • $5.00 LATE ENTRY fee will be charged as from 9th November 2024.
  • NO LATE ENTRIES for ALL hurdle events!
  • Club uniform and registration number must be worn.
  • Start lists for the meeting will posted on the Athletics Canterbury Calendar and on Facebook by 5:00 p.m. Friday.

Contact Andrew Stark if all inquiries about interclub entries.

NOTE:  The same system will be used for the Thursday night CANRUN Track Twilight meetings.

Official’s Roster:

  • Brian Theobald is the official’s coordinator for interclub meetings.  To ensure the smooth running of interclub and to co-ordinate roles prior to a meeting, please respond to Brian’s e-mail about availability.

Duty Club / Helpers Roster:

  • A Duty Club roster will be created.
  • You do not need to be a ‘trained’ official to help, nor part of the duty club.
  • Contact Brian Theobald to be added to the ‘helpers’ roster.

Ngā Puna Wai Training Fees – USER pay venue:

  • Competition and training fees collected help Athletics Canterbury cover the cost of being at Nga Puna Wai and for on-going equipment repairs / purchases.
  • If you train there regularly at Nga Puna Wai, select one of the FOUR options.
  • Failure to pay, means you will be asked to leave immediately!!

The success of all Athletics Canterbury events requires the goodwill of those who work hard behind the scenes to make it happen.  I encourage athletes and supporters to get involved and help out where you can.

Athletics NZ Track & Field Championship Information


Jennian Homes National Track and Field Championships
March 14th / 17th 2024 @ Newtown Stadium, Wellington

Athletes are responsible for their own entries, via the on-line system set up by Athletics New Zealand.
All information about the event can be found on the Athletics New Zealand EVENT CALENDAR.  Look for ‘Up Coming Competitions’.


LIST OF NAMES / EVENTS as entered by ATHLETICS NZ in Meet Manager

Please check the above PDF and if any of your events are incorrect, we need to know ASAP

ALL athletes who have entered will be considered for the Canterbury Team Selection.  The selection policy is explained below.

As you will be aware, the event has been extended to FOUR days, Under age (Thursday / Friday) – Seniors (Saturday / Sunday).


National Track and Field Championships – Selection Policy

The selection of Canterbury Team members for the National Track and Field Championships will be based on standards set by the Track and Field Selectors (Canterbury Selection Standards (2023).

The Canterbury selectors this year are Craig Motley (E-mail), Mike Drury, Jill Morrison, assisted by Andrew Stark.

Any athlete who equals or betters the standard listed shall be selected for the Canterbury Team, except if the selectors are of the opinion that an athlete who has bettered a standard early in the season, loses form to the extent that they are no longer worthy of selection in the team.  If more than three athletes qualify for an event, the selectors will decide who will represent Canterbury.

The selectors at their discretion may add athletes to the team, who have not reached the qualifying standards, such as athletes required for a relay team.

Performances must be set under such conditions as are required for the setting of a Canterbury record.

During the event at Newtown Stadium there will be Canterbury Team ‘tent’.  We will have Team Managers assisting athletics over the four days.  They will have your race packs / numbers and we assist with protests and handle scratches and any other inquires.

Canterbury Team Travel & Accommodation

As has been the case for numerous years, most training groups have made their own travel and accommodation arrangement.  While we did endeavour to find suitable accommodation so we could assist athletes travelling alone, however we were unsuccessful.  Therefore, we are unfortunately not in a position to offer this service this year.

Canterbury Singlets / Crop Top

You have two options:

  1. Borrow a Canterbury singlet  (Am invoice will be created and sent to you, if the item is NOT returned)
  2. Purchase a Canterbury Singlet or crop-top (Cost = $50.00)

All inquires to Andrew Stark (E-mail).  I will have a singlets at NPW as from Saturday 18th February.  I am currently waiting on more crop-top.  Hopefully they will be here by Saturday.

If you borrowed a singlet last season and you are NOT going to Nationals please return ASAP.

Additional Information for Athletes

Who can compete?

Grade 14 athletes can compete at Saturday Senior Inter-club as from opening day.

Grade 13 athletes can compete at Saturday Senior interclub in the year in which they start high school.  For some, that could well be from the opening day in October in any given year or as from 1st January the following year.

We will run U16 Grade events if required, but generally Grade 13 / 14 athletes will be joining in with the older athletes, including masters.

Under Age Grades – How old are you next year?

Will your competition grade changed as from 1st January next year?

Your competition under age grade is determined by your age as at 31st December in the year of competition.

This means that if you turn 18 during next year, you will be required to compete as an U-20 athlete as from 1st January (even if your birthday is on 31st December that year).  You can still use Secondary School implement weights & heights for your events in preparation for the inter-school events.

For athletes who turn 20 during the year, you will be required to compete as a Senior athletes as from 1st January in that year.  If you are unsure, please ask for clarification.

New to the Athletics Canterbury Senior Interclub events?

If this is your first year involved with SENIOR interclub track & field meetings at Nga Puna Wai, the information on this page should help make the process easier.  There are a few steps to the process.

New to Interclub Information

To work out what grade you compete in, look at the information on the Additional Information for Athletes page.

TWILIGHT Community Track Series

A series FOUR Community Thursday Night Twilight Meetings are being held during the months of November & December.  Club athletes are welcome to compete and you can bring along a friend from school.

Your sport NEEDS YOU! How can YOU HELP?

The sport needs your help!!

Helpers required at Senior Interclub

Over the past few years the number of officials available to safely run the events at our regular interclub meetings has been declining.  This is a nation wide issue.   Our focus has also always been to offer what the athletes would like, to ensure they have the opportunity and experiences required to perform at their best.

If you share the same goal & passion for the sport, there are several ways you can help.  Some of you already do, as a coach or as a regular official and we appreciate all you do.

However, we simply do not have the ‘people power’ to continue to offer ALL of the events we would like at our interclub meetings, particularly field events.

We have a world class venue at Nga Puna Wai.  IF we had a few additional helpers to run the events safely, that would allow us to offer more field events at the same time, plus ensure we can offer a full six round competition.

Can you HELP?   Are you interested in learning how to operate photo finish, Meet Manager, Field Links or the EDM (electronic measuring devices) … or working in the field or on the track as a helper / official. 

We have ‘on the job’ training and no experience is needed … just your passion and a willingness to get involved.  Just a few extra people each week will make a huge difference!!  You would NOT be required to be there ever weekend.

Contact Brain Theobald and have your details added to database of helpers.  

DUTY CLUB Responsibility:

Each week we require assistance from TWO or more clubs and these are the tasks we need help with:

  • If there has NOT been a Canterbury Children’s meeting on in the morning, move equipment from the equipment shed to the appropriate place around the arena.
  • Help set up hurdle events and move starting blocks between events.
  • Assist our officials to run a field event. This will be done under guidance and no experience is needed.  Tasks might include raking the long jump pit, collecting throwing implements or recording results.
  • As field events are completed for the day, various items of equipment need to be returned to the equipment shed, including popup tents etc.

Being part of the duty club each week, offers you the opportunity to see events up close and be part of the ‘action’.

Please offer to help.

Ruth Liong – Chair Athletics Canterbury Track & Field Committee.