
NZ Road Championships – Team selection information
NZ Road Championships – Auckland 7th November 2020
To be considered for Canterbury team selection, athletes will need to:
meet the selection criteria (See notes below) – Remember selection to the Canterbury team is only for under 18 Grade and above.
fill in the NOMINATION FORM and submit as below
Either post to: 5 McBeath Avenue, Hoon Hay, ChCh 8025
to arrive by Thursday 8th October.
Email form: to Daniel Reese before Saturday 10th October
or hand form to: the Canterbury Road Event Help Desk or selectors Daniel Reese, Bernie Jago or Kevin Prendergast at the Canterbury Championships
Road Championships Team Selection Policy 2020:
To be considered for Canterbury team selection, athletes will need to:
meet the selection criteria (criteria as below);
fill in the correct nomination form and submit this form to a selector by 10th October. Nomination form and travel information is available on the Athletics Canterbury website or from a selector.
To compete in the 2020 NZ Road Championships:
Senior grade: An athlete to compete in this grade shall be aged 17 years or over on the 31st December in the age of competition.
Men U20 & Women U20 grade: An athlete to compete in this grade shall be aged 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19 years on the 31st of December in the year of competition
Men U18 & Women U18 grade: An athlete to compete in this grade shall be aged 15, 16 or 17 years on the 31st of December in the year of competition.
Road Championships Team Selection Policy 2020:
1. Athletes must start in the 2020 Canterbury Road Championships, unless they have advised the selector of a valid reason for not participating.
2. Subject to the maximum numbers allowed in each team, athletes will be selected if available, who better the following times at the Canterbury Road Championships:
Selection time guide:
Senior Men 34:00 for 10km
Men U20 27:30 for 8km
Men U18 21:00 for 6km
Masters Men (35 – 49) 36:30 for 10km
Masters Men (Over 50) 39:00 for 10km
Senior Women 39:00 for 10km
Women U20 20:00 for 5km
Women U18 20:30 for 5km
Masters Women 20:00 for 5km
3. The selectors reserve the right to deviate from these times if circumstances such as weather or road surfaces have adversely affected performances.
4. Other athletes may be included if, in the opinion of the selectors, they are likely to acquit themselves well at the New Zealand Road Championships. Performances in similar road races may be considered when making these selections.
5. The selectors may include further team members to ensure that a complete team is available to compete in a grade